- Too often patients are being forced to leave the publicly-funded hospitals or hospices where they have been receiving end-of-life care because those institutions refuse to allow medically-assisted death on their premises.
- Too often patients are being forced to leave the publicly-funded hospitals or hospices where they have been receiving end-of-life care because those institutions refuse to allow medically-assisted death on their premises.
- The 2022 National Justice Survey found that only 17 per cent of Canadians were aware of the Canadian Victims Bill of Rights.
- The 2022 National Justice Survey found that only 17 per cent of Canadians were aware of the Canadian Victims Bill of Rights.
- The secrecy and lack of integrity in nominations sow doubt and distrust in our political system.
- The secrecy and lack of integrity in nominations sow doubt and distrust in our political system.
- Bill C-70, the Countering Foreign Interference Act, received royal assent on June 20. But the legislation still contains loopholes that allow for secret, foreign interference in nomination contests, political party leadership contests, and elections and policymaking processes, says Democracy Watch's Duff Conacher.
- Bill C-70, the Countering Foreign Interference Act, received royal assent on June 20. But the legislation still contains loopholes that allow for secret, foreign interference in nomination contests, political party leadership contests, and elections and policymaking processes, says Democracy Watch's Duff Conacher.
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- A growing regime of ‘rights without democracy’ has drained away much of the responsibility and authority of elected politicians and, with them, much of their legitimacy.
- A growing regime of ‘rights without democracy’ has drained away much of the responsibility and authority of elected politicians and, with them, much of their legitimacy.